Changing the Rules of Security for Video Content
This is Vestigium AI, Vestigium is a Piracy Protection System, that uses a self-training AI watermark working in unison with search engines crawlers, to continuously scan the web and protect your video content.
< IDEA >
What makes us stand out
Selftraining Watermark that protects, tracks down pirated content and reacts
How does it work

After designing an unique invisible watermark for each recipient, we then add it to the video content, making it visible only to our computer vision algorithms.
Restreaming / recording
An attempt at making a pirate source is initiated when a third party records the video content or restreams it in real time illegally on the web.

Thanks to the invisible watermark attached to the video content, the Sentinel AI is able to track illegal streaming in a matter of mere minutes.
Once the pirate source is identified by the Sentinel AI, the stream is successfully blocked, leading to the suspension of its owner’s account and enabling the content’s rightful owner to pursue legal action.

Vestigium AI: the key to a successful content security strategy
Self-training watermark
Thanks to applied machine learning algorithms, Vestigium becomes more aware each time of choosing the perfect place for the invisible watermark. The end result? Complete invisibility for users and increased resistance against attempts by others who want them gone.
Watermark in every frame
Watermarking in every single video frame makes the whole process fast and accurate, think of it as brain surgery made easy.
Rejecting time space In wm process embedding
Utilization of neural network technology, an algorithm different than commonly known forensic solutions, affects where the watermark is being embedded.
Dynamic Watermark
The Invisible watermark is not embedded in only one place, it is quite sneaky! It constantly changes its location. It can also be customized in length or the embedded information based on your specific needs.
Watermarking as a service
Vestigium is built on a cloud delivery model that allows its components to be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. The Embedder, Sentinel AI, and Decoder are all accessible without any need for local installation or maintenance.
No vendor locking
No matter what vendor you work with, we got your back. We are capable of seamless integration to avoid any possible vendor locking.
Detection on a short video probe
With Vestigium, we detect your watermark on pirated content and point out the account and source it came from. Our detector needs only small samples so you can receive the proof in just minutes and enough evidence to punish the bad boys behind it.
Dynamic resistance to video modifications
The advanced Vestigit AI algorithms make the Watermark fully resistant to the pirate's favorite video attacks such as downscaling, upscaling, cropping, blurring, flipping, but also much more.
< TEAM >
Who we are


Rafał Radawiec

Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk

Discover the benefits of Vestigium today
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